Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Strawberry Time!

I just finished prepping 30lbs. of fresh~from~the~fields strawberries. My little helpers and my grandma helped make the pickings sweet:) I saw this idea on pinterest for frozen blueberries and thought I'd give it a try for the last of my strawberries (after all of the obligatory snacking, jamming, and shortcaking was complete;)
Frozen Yogurt Covered Strawberries

  • fresh strawberries
  • large tub of yogurt (I used Dannon Oikos vanilla yogurt)

Prep your berries by washing them and cutting off the green. Pat dry. Individually dip the berries into the yogurt and place on a cookie sheet in a single layer. (I started with skewers, but quickly ditched them and used my fingers. Messier, but quicker!) Place the cookie sheet in the freezer and freeze for at least an hour before removing the berries. Transfer them to an air tight container. Store in the freezer. I can't wait to pull these little gems out when my kids are looking for a cool, sweet summertime snack.